Northampton Schools Tutorial Centre


Teaching pupils to conform with whole school rules is central to our approach – wearing correct uniform shows a level of respect and emphasises the importance of pupils sense of belonging and identify with their school.

Pupils who are on the roll of a mainstream school must come to NSTC wearing their full school uniform, on arrival in the morning uniform will be checked and points may be deducted for uniform breaches.

Pupils who are in-between schools must wear black trousers, a white shirt or polo shirt, a plain black jumper and black formal school shoes (no trainers or open toed shoes).

On P.E days pupils are permitted to arrive wearing their school P.E kit.

Outdoor clothing is not permitted inside the buildings, staff will collect coats and bags on arrival along with mobile phones and any other items not required for the school day. Pupils are given their items back at the end of school.